Talked to my dealer last week. He said Porsche AG is dead quiet on the 997 facelift matter and that it will happen from a day to another. Pressed to give me a good guess he thought the FL would be announced in the fall of 2008 as model year 2009. But he said it wasn't to be considered even as a qualified guess...

What I'd love to see in the FL, other than the exterior:

I'd like to see Porsche doing some magic on the chairs in order to make them comfortable also for long-haul cruising. I currently have the Active Sport seats. They are great for inspired driving, but I find them stiff for longer journeys. Ventilated seats and the possibility to inflate them (or something) in order to make them softer would be great. Would keep by bum in better shape while travelling between tracks.

Please give us some kind of built-in iPod/MP3 connection!

I am currently drving a manual car. It is fun etc, but I'd prefer an automatic with paddles. (Don't laugh. A vast majority of the F430's are bought with paddles...)

Cruise control
I miss the speed control options I've experienced in other cars. Such as being able to limit the speed instead of keeping it. For example I'd like to set maximum speed to 150 km/h and then trust the car not to go past that unless I floor it. As it is I only have the alarm sound to let me know. It goes off far to often

For some reason more cars are equipped with Vehicle Tracking, but the solution is to expensive or even not available on the market. Think again and come up with a final solution that does not involve me being taken as hostage. Hi Porsche: Email me and I'll let you in on a solution that will make Porsche a car that no thief would ever want to touch

If possible to make the car swallow 1-2 gallons more of fuel, please make it happen.