JimFlat6 said:
Porsche eliminated the space saver spare tire..because the tires and wheels on the car are so BIG you can't fit a flat one in the trunk and you can barely fit one INSIDE the car unless your passenger is a housecat!!

That is why there is no "spare" tire anymore!

That is what you get for demanding HUGE wheels and tires on a SMALL car!

If Porsche put only 16" rims with 225-60's on 997s you would all be moaning and crying for bigger rims and tyres!

If you insist on getting a space saver spare and a jack, you better also get a long handled torque wrench..and some rope to drag the flat tire behind you!

Fatcats wake up!

You know, I've never heard that explaination before but it certainly makes sense.

Personally I'm really happy there is no spare. Rather have the space that I can use all the time than lug around a spare tire that I may never use.

knock on wood like the Boss I've only had 1 flat that I can ever remember & yes I changed it myself but then felt ridiculous by the time I got to work and ruined a good shirt & realized how lucky I was that no one slammed me from the rear when I was underneath the rear of my SUV getting the spare (man that was absolutely crazy)

Carrying around a spare is ridiculous in a 911 but that's just my opinion for me, guess if it gives others piece of mind no harm in that. But imo you're more likey to run out of gas or have the car breakdown for other reasons than need a spare. Hmmmmmm come to think of it have never gotten a flat on any of my motorcycles in the last 23 yrs either but guess I'd need help if I did, not like you can carry a spare on a bike. Ahhhh too much to worry about once you start thinking negative all the time.