My ride is significantly more powerfull today than it was at 1 or 2 thousand miles, as confirmed by my base 997 owning neighbor. Now at 5k miles in 6 months. And I thought I would just own it for a ride on the market! My brother just grabbed an E90 M5, cool techno ride, but nothing comares to the P Car Flagship. My enighbor drovw my ride today and has decided to skip his GT3 desires and wait till he can afford a 997TT (Good choice Page!)

Good choice my friend, it only gets better from this day forward! Enjoy in good health. I strongly recommend the Porsche Driving Experience (or whatever they call it these days) 2 day class in 'Bama. Cool instructors and uncomparable education. I don't break a sweat anymore while power sliding at 90MPH around a 'Posted 30MPH curve...and I have no skills campared to Cass, Hurley, Rich and the rest of the friendly crew at Barber Motorsports track in 'Bama. I just wish my wife would go to the Womens driving experience tomorrow...oh well a few more grand for the anniverssay present next month.

I will never forget driving to my dealer and spotting my ride standing proud waiting for me. That's the only reason I will ever sell my ride, just to get another!