jeffbco said:
I had a wheel damaged in shipment and used these guys. Call John - even though he's in the Springs he spends a lot of time in Denver. He'll pick up the wheel and do his thing - you'll be amazed at the results. http://www.mobilewheelrepair.com/usa_canada/us_locations_colorado.html

This post is a few days over due. On Friday August 31 I had my wheel fixed by the guy that jeffbco recommended. I must say that the finished product looks excellent. If anyone is interested I'll take an after shot to compare with the before shot.

I did run into a little bit of a problem with this "guy." He had the wrong time for the appointment (30 minutes later then we agreed upon) and then his workers ran very late. A 9:30am meet time turned into 10:45am. All this while my wife is hanging around a Lexus dealership waiting for them. She called me, I called John, I called her back, etc. It was clear that John was becoming annoyed with me. He knew that my wife was going to wait for this to be done so the delays were unacceptable. If it wasn't for an upcoming trip to Las Vegas I probably would have cancelled the job. Oh, I forgot to mention that Saturday morning we were flying out of town to head to northern California for a wedding and some fun time in Napa, so my wife didn't have all day to just toil around the Lexus place.

The bottom line is that these guys did a great job on my wheel and I will use them again. However, if you do use them yourself be sure to have free time available as they run a loose ship based on time schedules.