nberry said:
Stradale wrote

"But you bought a $250,000 430 Spider that looks very much like a $175,000 360 Spider sooooooooooooooooo???????????

I didn't miss your point I just don't agree. Whatever makes you happy too."

Let me try again. Everyone agrees that ALL Ferrari's are expensive. Also, most people understand that Porsche's are for the most part under $100,000 cars. Yet, some including you, will pay close to $200,000 for a car that looks like most Porsche's which are under $100,000. Capice? As I said its your money.

BTW, you and your wife make a fine looking couple. If you have children, I am sure they very attractive. Your hair looks good to me. I am almost there in length.

First you were saying you wouldn't want to pay $200,000 for a car when you can buy one that looks similiar for $100,000. Now you're saying you don't want other people to think you're only driving a $100,000 car when you paid $200,000 yes? What you're saying is most people associate a Porsche w/ a price of approx $100k so you wouldn't buy a $200k Porsche because people wont know you are driving a $200k car. Ahhhhhh Nick, Nick, Nick...First off the majority of non-car people really have no idea what these cars cost, they really don't. I had some company over the other day (wife's friends) and this guy was telling us how his dream was always to get a Ferrari. We're taking a drive and he's asking a hundred questions when the most popular question comes up ; "so what's this car cost, one hundred thousand dollars?". Sticker on my F430 is $225k right. Trust me most people don't have a clue how much these cars cost but I see your point.

For the people that DO know these cars they know there's a big difference in cost from a 997 Cab to a Turbo Cab. In addition you're trying to make it sound like you could have a Spider for the price of a TT Cab but there's a huge difference in price. $192k vs $136k . The car I bought is loaded w/ $29,000 in options including PCCB's and even then comes out to $165k not $200k, big difference. A 430 Spider w/ similiar options would cost $100k more. Problem being I don't always want to look like I'm driving a $200k car, most of the time FOR ME, for everyday driving I'd rather have the performance of a $200k car in a car that doesn't scream $200k nor cost $200k. Guess which car accomplishes that. So you could buy a loaded $165k Turbo Cab and get the same /better performance than a $250k Ferrari F430 Spider. A car that is comfortable all the time in any weather day or night and unlike my 2 seater sports car is also great for my wife and kids to come along.

There's not another 2+2 seater convertible in the world that can do what the Turbo Cab can do. None. Not at any cost. But I agree the Turbo Cab doesn't look as expensive as a F430 Spider. Honestly that is a BIG reason I'm buying the car. It's a real PLUS not a negative (for me). Even though I honestly don't care if the Turbo Cab looks like a regular 997 cab to other people (they look very different to me btw), I can understand your point; if you're going to spend $200k on a car you want it to look like a $200k car to other people, but for me w/ this car I'd rather have the opposite. If my co-workers don't think I paid a lot more for my Turbo Cab verses the 997 S Cab then that's great! Really is. It's a big positive for me that it doesn't say 'I just spent $200k on a car'. And to the car nuts, that GET IT they know the TT Cab kicks ass that's great too. Maybe that helps you understand why, maybe it doesn't dun no. I tried to keep it short but obviously didn't do a good job, it's a complicated subject.

Thanks!!! My son is 7 and my daughter is 5 and in our opinion, they're keepers.

Def complicated, esp when considering varied reactions of unwashed masses who struggle w/basic arithmetic....and sharper guys.....who can read/count/use the Net ....to quickly figure out what stuff really costs (even if they aren't car guys)....

Perhaps counterintuitive, but, for an annual-repeat buyer in US, fully-optioned/airshipped 430s/599s are free, whereas, even for an annual-repeat P buyer (the profligate few that exist ), loaded 997TTs prob cost $50K in one-yr deprec.....

So a new F (every yr, so lower mtce costs, too ) may actually appeal to a more frugal owner...than a perhaps more extravagant new P every yr (even a mere 997S, let alone a flashy 997TT)....