Le Chef said:
Take your feet of everything. Figure out where you want to go. Steer in that direction gently. Brake smoothly if necessary. Then when the car is under control shift to the right gear and accelerate away carefully. Let the electronics take care of the rest.

What he said... concentrate on your steering, and adjusting to what the car gives you... Now is not the time to cold-turkey-test the techniques you READ ABOUT somewhere to pull the car out of it like a professional hero.... Nope, now is the time to save yourself, your car, and motorists around you.. Apply gas or brakes if you're heading toward a situation (tree, truck, etc..) and the gas and/or brakes are the immediate solution to avoiding potential death..

Don't be in a hurry to get all four tires back on the road.... Take however much time it takes to SOFTLY coax the car back to solid ground.. The moment you try to snatch it back onto pavement, you're usually doomed.

Don't panic, steer through what you started, don't be in any hurry to get all 4 tires back to pavement...