LoranTw said:
In his defense, most people as you acknowledge won't take it to the limit so the distinction is blurred, we are talking cars that are primarily designed for the road I didn't take his comment as a sign he is disinterested in cars. Targa seems to look at things from a practical road driving consumers perspective. One can't be all things..but when we talk about at best 10 seconds seperating a car from another over a 7 plus minute track ...the seperation is academic for a road car...all sutleties aside. I like the turbo because it is fast..plus it has a number of features not found in other more track oriented cars. It's not the fastest in some circumstances...but under others it is by far the fastest...no contest. But at the end of the day...nobody discovers that on the road against a suitably matched driver because it is too dangerous...so it all depends on the way you view things.

Thanks Brother. This is exactly what I meant, but you said it better.

Comparing a GT2, TT and GT3 is all academic as far as I'm concerned. They are all at the top of sport cars ranking and no one car is better than the other. I can appreciate that they will drive and handle better than my 997S, but at the end of the day, we are not race car drivers and my 997S is more than enough to satisfy my daily need. Does this make me less of a car guy than someone who owns Ferrari or Lambo or higher models Porsche than I am? I don't think so. I can easily afford a CGT if I wants to, but there are things other than cars that I like to spend my money on. There is definitely a limit on my driving skills and owning a GT2 will not make me a better man or a truer car guy. Not sure if people will understand my thoughts, but at least there is no flame in my post.