RC said:
A little FACT about the boss of Greenpeace Germany: she is almost 60 years old, she owns an old(!) VW Golf which (of course ) she uses very seldom. As far as I know she isn't married and she has no kids.
Sorry to say that but I think that somebody who puts a couple of kids into this world, gives them a proper education and moral values, is worth ten times more than people who always worry about our planet, other people, etc. but never actually did something REALLY valuable for our society. I always have to laugh when somebody like this woman tells people about saving the future for our children. What kind of example is she? I'd rather save my kids from people like her, seriously.

Again, don't get me wrong: Greenpeace is important and there are also people who don't have aggressive and unreasonable approaches towards the industry and others. Look however to certain environmental/animal protection groups, I bet that in 100 years, when (hopefully) islamic terrorism will be gone, we'll get a new form of terrorism, commited by extremist environmental/animal protection activists. Humans NEVER seem to learn from the past.

Better to bury our heads in the sand?

BTW because she may not be married or have children what does that have to do with the legitimcy of her cause.