gradyex said:
I personally am not a happy camper when I found out my car had the Bridgestones and not the Michelins. Can't wait to replace this tire. I understand they last the longest of the bunch (who cares) I'll take the Michelins PS2's anyday! The Bridgestones are much cheaper in cost FYI compared to the others. Kinda sucks that were stuck with what comes with the car instead of designating your preferred brand on a $150,000 car. I understand the company's profits are not up to par with the others?(cough)......OK that was a cheap shot but come on Porsche!

I suggest reading the Tire Rack's Technical page on Porsche "N" rated tires. I also have the Bridgestones on my car and, although I have only very limited experience with the car, the tires seem very well suited to the car's capabilities.