Turbo Al said:
WBH said:
...esp in an era of 599s/CL63s that deliver real-world, useable performance/stability/active safety.....

...But are unfortunately prime examples of front-engined/front-weighted/understeer-mad/over-bloated/GT-marketed poseur-mobiles

Get past absurd stereotypes perpetuated by those who have never driven these cars aggressively on public roads (let alone owned any interesting cars)....

Need to actually drive these cars on fast-flowing, dense-traffic, urban CA fwys, which often have bumpy, hilly, curvy stretches, w/cross-winds....one may be surprised re: conclusions....

Pace of tech re: more active, more intelligent chassis advances is remarkable ....know several car nuts who own/have owned various cars such as Enzo/599/430/CGT/997TT/CL63, etc who seem to agree re: impressive impact of dynamics of latest chassis tech vs these cars' perceived precision/stability/active safety on real-world, public roads....do own back-to-back comparos on own favorite roads and draw conclusions....one shouldn't believe everything in print/on Net...or use silly conventional-wisdom stereotypes to convince self that cars one can't afford/have never driven are either spectacular/underwhelming....