
The dealer isn't buying the car - you are. Furthermore, as stated by many current and former TT owners, resale after several years is irrelevant (ie. 3 plus years). Buy the tranny and color YOU desire and never look back. For example, many say to avoid a black exterior vehicle as its is difficult to keep clean. However, I'm on my 4th black on black car (and 2nd TT) and have never been happier. Also 3 out of 4 were slush boxes. Ironically, the only tranny that I had a problem with was the 6 speed. So, disregard what your salesman tells you and follow your heart. If you want a Cobalt Tip then just do it ! BTW, IMNSHO, it is never ridiculous to analyze how you want to spend your hard earned $150K. Good luck with YOUR analysis.