Mike S said:
AUM said:

Why do we glorify injustice and excessive consumption in a continent and world ravaged by poverty and disease? Are we so completely disconnected from the web of life?

Consider a world where personal wealth was limited to one or two million euro. A world in which the rich had to make do with just one or two expensive toys. A world where poverty and injustice did not exist.

I actually find that insulting and rude, criticizing how people should be spending their money. I do not see any injustice in what I'm doing. What would be the point of working so hard if I could not spoil myself every once in a while? I wasn't always in such a position and you have not heard the hard times that was endured to get here. Who is to say that I do not already do my bit in contributing to charity? I for one would never be in any position to make comments like these no matter how much I know of the individual concerned.

Mike just ignore him he is not worth it.As far that you work for your money, you can spend it on whatever you like. I smell a hint of envy / frustration in AUM's tone, look at it this way you will always find people like that in this world. Final word, enjoy your cars !