Hurst said:
Although for joo this is great news: he got the car he wanted and all the exhiliration is proivded!

It still does not solve the issue: Ferrari is gouging the customer base and creating this mythic sense of "brand loyalty" amongst its "existing customers."
Sounds more like a lame cult/ponzi scheme than a true business model. People buy into the mystique and pay up the ass for it.

You begin to understand it when you go to South Beach and see 20 Gallardos per F430. Still, this is a fabricated sensibility and its not good business practice...

Manufactured elitims at its best. Just like going out to any boutique club, any hyped reestaurant etc... manufactured elitism.

Call it what you will but it's worked for them here in the US pretty much since day one. They're now in their 53rd year.