joo22us said:
GOT MY GRIGIO SILVERSTONE/CUOIO F430 SPIDER!!! I can tell you that the drive from the dealer to my house (2 miles) was the most exhilarating 2 miles in my life. The dealer told me I got brownie points for buying from them and I would get more brownie points if I sell it back to them. They told me I would be in their "family" and the more brownie points I have, the sooner I will get the next, greatest Ferrari.

I've had 996 Turbo and 05 Gallardo. Those cars are awesome. But I honestly never had the chest expanding, hair growing, waist shrinking, genital enlarging, height increasing feeling I get with the F430. I'm gonna drive it as I feel like it. If I get hosed because I put 5k mi/yr, well so be it. I'd rather enjoy it and take a $ hit than to baby it and sweat every mile. Of course 3 years later I might not be so bold but in the meantime...YAHHHHHH HOOOOOOO!!!

P.S. Thanks to all you Ferrari experts and your insight. I really appreciate it. Maybe I'll see some of youse at F Club meeting.

So I guess that means we can assume you live in Beverly Hills Congrats on your purchase