bondmid003 said:
JohnJohn said:
Agree, place a deposit for the F430 replacement!

Dealer's by me will not let anyone place a deposit for a replacement unless they're an exsiting customer. AKAIK it's the same deal where joo22us lives in Southern CA. I know it's a catch 22.

That's atrocious and obnoxious, and why one day I will buy a Lambo and not a Ferrari. Nothing against Ferraris or their owners, but the dealers that take your arm and leg along with your money.

I think it's great. For once it's not about how much money over msrp you're willing to pay. My salesman is so funny he told me he picks who he wants to do business with that way he doesn't have aggravation dealing w/ a-holes. It's not about the money. I don't find anything "obnoxious" about their policy at all. "obnoxious" is the guy who's given 20 years worth of business to a Chevy dealer only to be charged over msrp for a Z06. Or bumped from a Z06 after being promised a Z06 because someone else is willing to pay more and I've heard many many stories of Chevy dealers doing this to existing customers. That's obnoxious. Or the Ford customer raped on a Ford GT. That to me is "obnoxious". With Ferrari since they don't/can't make money over msrp on new cars they treat their existing /good customers with the best cars at msrp. Existing customers basically drive these cars for free or make money in the exchange. Sounds more than fair to me.

I guess you're right though when it comes to new Ferrari customers having to pay over msrp for a used car but I can assure you every single car dealer in the world would be doing the same exact thing,,,if they could. The difference is w/ Ferrari w/ a new car it will always be at msrp vs every other car dealer which will charge you as much as they can possibly get away with........The trick is becoming an existing Ferrari customer. But will tell you there's guys who've never paid over sticker for new cars just need to know someone. I paid msrp for my Challenge Stradale (made $ after 2 yrs of ownership) and my F430.

I see what you're saying but I think a critical element of the Ford and Chevrolet model is that neither dealership is accustomed to selling high end cars. I think its this complete lack of experience with selling these type of cars that led to the extreme gouging when the Ford GT and Z06 were first offered.

I think this is what has led to alot of frustration from Z06 and Ford GT owners (especially folks that are used to Mercedes and Porsche dealerships). Its painfully obvious that most Chevy and Ford dealerships have no idea how to sell a 80K-150K dollar car and treat the customer that is willing to spend that money at their dealership.