
Very beautiful... The only reason this might make sense is for resale in 10 years when the electronics are out of date. But until then you safe a bit weight (less than 15kg, probably?), the car looks ugly und is far less usable on the street Smiley

10 years? Car electronics are outdated every 3 years and Porsche offers no upgrade for them to force you to buy a new car. Ferrari and AM offer some sort of upgrades. Tesla offers wireless upgrades...

Of course you are right - after approx 3 years you will clearly see that there are (again) better systems on the market. I was more thinking about the point in time you can just no longer accept the functionality of an old system Smiley

BTW, regarding Tesla: updating the navigation or other software etc. is the least concern I would have with a Tesla. The technological basis (batteries mostly but also all of the rest) will be completely outdated in 5 years or so. There is no way to update this - you can just try to het rid of it then (if possible at all)...