svtrader1 said:
StevenShin said:
Atzporsche said:
yo am i the only one here who liked that clip! man this guy is pretty much doing the same all those fing asians are doing to their civics. you know the whole tuned my 4 banner lawnmoaer engine and fitting a loud ass exhaust on it.. not to mention the unecessary wing on the back

"All those f-ing asians?" Careful. You can be annoyed at the cars but when you bring race into it, it's a different statement. I know some of those cars you are talking about look silly but the way I see it, the only difference between that guy and me and my loud exhaust is about $70,000. Otherwise, I'm sure he loves his car the same way we love ours.

Anyway, I thought the CGT video was fun to watch. The revving around pedestrians reminds me of this: http://www.hornblasters.com/video.php?pic=40

I wouldn't worry too much about what some stupid 20 year old says. But, interesting hearing him knock ricers when he's driving an F'ing Ford focus that his parent probably bought for him. .

svtrader1, i was trying to be sarcastic in my first comment, because there were a lot of negative comments previously. I was trying to express how this guy is only enjoying his car, which is awesome, everyone has their own way and right of doing so! people love their ricers, other love their tuned CGTs, others like me currently are spending all their money on the university studies, which is why I (me) brought myself a ford focus. Simply because it was the right thing to do. I sold my used 944 cause it requires a lot of work/time/money in maintainance..

im sorry for maybe going too far here in my sarcasm as
i am not knocking on ricer cars, but thanks for thinking i am.

nice to know you know my age too though