Imagine a hot metal sheet in a coin factory ('energy'). When you stamp out a coin from a metal sheet, you are left with a coin and a hole in the sheet.You could call this hole an "anticoin".

This is similar to what happens when energy transforms into matter. Many experiments have shown that you can only produce a pair of particle and its mirror image, called 'antiparticle', at the same time. Nobody has ever observed the production of only particles, or only antiparticles.

Isn't CERN fantastic...if only they weren't corrupted by the Illuminati..or are they? It is funny though...According to Dan Brown one of the illuminati symbols are pyramids...does that mean that this post has now taken on a greater symbylogical course, a higher plain? More than just a discussion about blackholes, antimatter and the likelyhood of ariving in a garage at the end of a blackhole (sounds like Douglas Adams novels!)