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RC said:
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///AMG Mercedes said:

Well, I didn't expect much from a handling perspective when the thing weighs 2200kgs, but "the kick" is what its all about... (for me anyways)

If AMG would make a lightweight SL65 with max. 1800 kg and a fixed roof, it would be the hell of a car, especially if they also adapt the steering.
I had problems to put 476 HP on the street on my former E55 and the burnout shows very well how difficult it is to put 612 HP on the ground. Traction problems are the biggest fun killer.
If traction sucks, the whole car sucks. This is why I really urge AMG to offer a LSD as a standard option on their cars. They badly need it!

Better to have 400 hp in a 1200 kg car than 800 in a 2000+