easy_rider911 said:

I wonder whether Rennteamers think the 997 will become a design revered in the same way the 993 is?

IMHO, will take a while to know. Personally I believe the question of how dependable over the long term the car is must first be answered.

IOW, the reviews of the car have all been extremely positive saying, Porsche "perfected" the 911 with this new model. They wondered if it is now as good as it can ever be. So it has alot going for it to become a "legend" like the 993.

If, however the electronics and software start going nuts and costing huge amounts of money and causing lots of frustration, after ten years of ownership then the car's "legend" is doomed.

There's also the hard-to-top aura of the Porsche air-cooled engine to overcome. Those engines sound fantastic and do so without any artificial-and-quite-intentional sound engineering. THAT and other "poser-ish" items (like SC, 19s, and fake quads) may be hard to overcome for the 997's legacy.

IOW, depending on the direction of the company in the future, the 997 may be regarded as the beginning of the trend of Porsche's unabashed pandering to GM-type buyers in order to sell more cars.