Nick, I never said all Ferrari owners are old and fat, just re-read my post. I just wanted to emphasize that there are grey haired and midlife-crisis affected Ferrari owners too out there, not only Porsche owners.

And Nick, you still didn't tell me why you start provocative posts over here but ask questions about your Porsche Cayenne somewhere else? Yes, Porsche monitors this site and I'm know they analize comments and use them for marketing evaluation but I'm not sure this is the reason you post here.
Maybe you just have fun provoking Porsche owners? You know that I'm no poser and your comments sometimes really hurt my ego and I'm sure that others think the same. This doesn't mean you shouldn't post here, god beware, but please try to use a little bit more "tact" in your posts because people who usually join internet forums to discuss about their beloved cars aren't posers but enthusiasts.
Well, maybe with the exception of those who discuss different car waxes...