RC said:
Dimitris said:
Obviously the hardcore enthusiast is not their target audience anymore. Porsche wants to be another Merc

May I remind you about what you said? You didn't say that?

Regarding Nick and his posts: his posts on Rennteam.com are always provocative. I wonder why he never posts something about this Cayenne, in other car forum(s) he does. I don't say I don't appreciate his posts because they always seem to ignite a passionate discussion but at the same time I really wonder why he owns a Ferrari sportscar but bashes Porsche.
Maybe I'm wrong but I can't hide the feeling that he is a tease.

Regarding the C4 S: of course it is the best selling model now because a lot of people know by now that the 997 is coming.
But maybe you and Nick are right, maybe the target audience wants to buy cars like the C4 S. So what? I don't understand the problem. In Germany, the best selling variant seems to be the 996 C2 right now, does it mean we Germans are more hardcore or better drivers?
Of course there are different kind of customers right now because Porsche has improved quality and the cars are good daily drivers. But the fact that Ferrari sells less cars doesn't mean that their customers drive faster or better.
Instead of driving your cars, you guys always complaint, complaint and complaint.
When do you actually drive your cars?

Regarding the M96 engine: do you know something I don't know? I never heard of a blown up engine on the track but I heard a lot about drivers who don't maintain the engines right, who use the wrong oil or add stupid oil additives, who drive their cars on slicks or who mod their ECU for a few horses more, etc.
Porsche quality has improved a lot over the past few years, I started with a 993 Targa and I owned a 996 C2, 996 C4 PK and a 996 Turbo afterwards. Of course the M96 is not the race type bulletproof engine the GT3, GT2 and 996 Turbo have in common. But it is as good as any other 6-cyl engine out there, if not better.

One lap on the Nuerburgring Nordschleife doesn't mean anything? Wow, you're a great car enthusiast, I can see that by your knowledge.

C'mon Dimitirs, you don't really want to confirm that nasty prejudice that most Porsche drivers are arrogant?
Bear in mind one thing: there is always somebody faster than you in a less powerful and less expensive car. You'll learn your lesson too.
I don't know what car you drive right now but if it is the Boxster S you mentioned in your profile, a 996 C4 S Cab would blow you away like nothing. I didn't say anything about Tiptronic.
And last but not least (a little sidenote for Nick): I joined the Ferrari Days in Baden-Baden last year. Most of the owners looked grey haired, some with a nice beer belly and I especially loved those who were around age 50-60 and had their daughter with them. Oops, their daughter? I guess I was wrong.

Please come up with real arguments but not the old prejudices or just using the words other people use on internet forums. From my experience, 80% of the posts on other car forums are full of crap. There are some people who know what they're talking about but during my daily "forum browsing", I can't stop laughing and sometimes I would even prefer to start crying. No wonder Porsche doesn't officially support internet forums.
Too much gossip and even more BS.

"May I remind you about what you said? You didn't say that? "

You may , but what you said is not what I said. By now I think this should be clear and we can move on. I will move on anyway ...

"Regarding Nick and his posts"

I know Nick for a while now. I have followed his posts on other boards as well. I do not agree with Nick on everything and I do not necessarily agree with his way of expressing his views. But he does make very very good points. I hope you can see past his style. I do, even though mine and his perspectives are very different. Nick has seen things about Porsche that others have not. And he pointed out these issues before anyone else. Porsche is a different company now, it plays in a different field, at a different level. The competition is also re-shaping at the moment. You are not going to see all the impact of the changes right away. To put it in a laconic way, I have two words for you: "Aston Martin"

"But maybe you and Nick are right, maybe the target audience wants to buy cars like the C4 S. So what? I don't understand the problem."

I do not necessarily have a problem. I expressed my views as a consumer. If Porsche does not care, I will look elsewhere. I am not happy about certain things and I am voicing my opinion, like a conscious consumer should.

"In Germany, the best selling variant seems to be the 996 C2 right now, does it mean we Germans are more hardcore or better drivers?"

Maybe more price sensitive?
I will give you that you are good drivers, mmm, most of you

"When do you actually drive your cars? "

In between my posts at Rennteam

"Of course the M96 is not the race type bulletproof engine the GT3, GT2 and 996 Turbo have in common. But it is as good as any other 6-cyl engine out there, if not better."

Don't think so. There are several ways to get emperical data for the M96, other than reading posts on the 'Net. Ask the mechanics at the dealerships. You will be surprised what kind of info you can get from them. Also, if you have many friends who also bought Porsches ...

Sorry to say but I know of several regular engines placed in Japanese street cars that have much higher tolerances than the M96. Pick a Honda 4-banger and do whatever mod you want on it. Or a Toyota per se. These engines last forever, you turbocharge them, you double their HP and they still go and go and go.

In the old days, of the 964/993 911s, you could add a supercharger to your 911 and the dealer would not even blink.
Nowdays, they even complain if you put non-Porsche wheels ... They say "this may void the suspension warranty"

"One lap on the Nuerburgring Nordschleife doesn't mean anything? Wow, you're a great car enthusiast, I can see that by your knowledge"

Sorry, I am slow learner. That's why I need many laps One will not do.

"'mon Dimitirs, you don't really want to confirm that nasty prejudice that most Porsche drivers are arrogant?"

Not only I am arrogant, but a loudmouth as well.

"a 996 C4 S Cab would blow you away like nothing"

Not around here unless you want to risk serious trouble with the law. I suggest whenever you come to the US you obey seriously the speed limits as a violation and a cop in bad mood can put you in a whole lotta trouble real fast ...

Honestly, a Toyota Camry might take you from point A to point B faster than any Porsche. And you do not have to worry about the Camry's motor leaking oil

"Most of the owners looked grey haired, some with a nice beer belly"

Hey, my girlfriend told me I am the first good looking guy she has seen driving a Porsche and we do have a large sample here in Los Angeles. Now, how does my statement register with your arrogance meter?

"No wonder Porsche doesn't officially support internet forums.
Too much gossip and even more BS"

Hey, you are just reading one !!!!!