Mark my words: Once major car manufacturers jump (seriously) on the ELV train, Tesla will be done. 

It is amazing what Tesla has achieved so far but their story reminds me of Blackberry and maybe even Nokia to be honest.

Unless Tesla invents a completely new type of battery/charging method...

Your words are marked. And revisiting this topic in about 15 years I think you will regret that Smiley

For me personally I don't give a damn what happens with Tesla and I gladely welcome competition. I would be happy to buy a Porsche again, but not with ICE (for daily driver that is). What I however believe in is that EV is future for mainstream cars and have so many positive effects. Your expression of "mark my words" is just a protective German statement where you see a threat to the heart of German car industry that has been leading for ages.... now there is some distruptive tech company from California that change the game and put some stress on the 100 year old companies. That is quite funny if you ask me.

This Ghandi quote is quite suitable for traditional carmakers vs. Tesla:
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Secondly, the comparison with Nokia and Blackberry is kind of hilarious. Nokia and Blackberry were the big companies dominating the market and then they lost it to the Asians and Apple. So it's exactly the opposite. Tesla can NOT be compared with them, but maybe some of the German car makers can be in 30 years... I honestly hope not and that they step up. But there is a large chance that they will have less market share and also that there are new car makers from Asia that go more global and take this with EVs serious.

And regarding the battery/charging developed by Tesla. You think they sit still on their chair not developing further? Just take a look at the spec sheets for the German ELVs that is suppose to hit the market between 2019-2022. There is not much in those specs that beat what Tesla launched in 2013..... There is no charging infrastructure built up and the fastest you can charge a non tesla today is with 50kW. Teslas existing superchargers are 150kW and it's simplified with complete integration with the car without having hazzle with payment and subscriptions.