Jim_in_Iowa said:Schumacher, on the other hand, prefers the "long throttle" where the throttle opening covers the entire range of the pedal motion, because he can better balance the car with the wider and more gradual scale.

69bossnine said:
Someday being able to tune your own pedal/throttle curve, including adjustable positive-stop for the pedal, would be trick as hell...
THAT'S what the Sport Chrono should offer... not a single sport button setting with a watch on the dash that nobody uses most the time, but the ability to custom-map your pedal/throttle curve, and a positive stop with a finger-operable keeper-nut to set your own travel distance...
If you're listening-in Porsche, I will require royalties.. (or just my next car free... )

say what?
now your going to steal my idea?
free car comes to me porsche!
make it a 997gt3rs