dreamcar said:
I am seriously thinking of fitting a Lidatec (or similar) which are virtually undetectable, and automatically shut down after detecting and blocking a laser to help deter detection. (so if the gun fires again, giving the driver time to slow down, it will show the correct speed).

The Lidatek is just like the Laser Pro Park, both have bvery small gallidum-arsenide based diode transponders, except that the LPP is more efective and its sold as a parking sensor which may help you if they try to fine you for having a jammer, while the Lidatek is sold as a laser jammer right out.

The Lidatek shuts down after 5 seconds of detecting the laser gun giving you time to slow down before the LEO can read your speed, the LPP shuts down as well but after 8 seconds. Personally I find that either of those times are too long, and I rather shut it down manually once I'm at regular speed which should take no more than 2-3 seconds if you tnik about it.

Though most of the times you won't even need to, reason being that in UK and Spain they use photo-LIDAR guns which take your picture at the same time that they clock your speed. This means that they need to aim at you when you are within the camera's picture range, and this is usually less than 450 feet. So this means that befor the 5 seconds ar up after they have shot at you, you would have alerady passed by the laser gun and left it behind. In US they don't use photo-lidar so the LEO can shoot you from as far as 3000 feet away depending on the gun model. This means that more than 5 seconds go by before you leave the laser gun behind.