I disagree. Schumi is a great driver, but he's always had the benefit of the most dominant car. I think Senna and Fangio are both superior to Schumi...

Furthermore, Schumi's lackluster character would lead us to believe that he would never join a team like Super Aguri...

I totally 100% agree and can't believe no one else has said this. From 2000-2004 the Ferrari was superior to everything. In 1994 he had to take out Damon Hill to win the title. The current season is an excellent example of why Schumacher is no better than Alonso or Raikonnen- he always must have the fastest car to win. When the Renault is on form, Schumi can;t do anything and looks totally mortal.

And now he is finally winning some races, but again, the Ferrari is superior to everything else on the grid. What gets me is some people act as though if Schumacher were driving a Midland he could lap the whole field due to his immense talent. And look what happens when his teammate gets some equal treatment- He wins the race!

Ok, I'll stop the rant. No disrespect to you Schu fans, I get really passionate of the subject.