I wrote one in the Farrarichat.com 360/430 area under first day fun, but I will be glad to give you my first impressions.

I left my dealer last Thursday morning at 11:30 by 11:35 I had already been pulled over. Two very nice local police, who just loved the sound, of corse they told me to slow down. In the last 5 years I owned 2 360's and a 575 and I am what you call a drive like hell from the get go kond of guy.

I always like to see how cars respond near as I can get the to their limit right away, so I know how far I can push myself and where my skills as a driver end. This car is a gearsift not an F1 so I also wanting to check some downshift areas.
After work I went over to a huge commmuter lot which was just about empty, turn all driver help controls off and had fun. This car is hard to control with the CST (as they call it off) and would not advise anyone to drive on the street with it off. I think I went through about 500 miles on my tires in about 3 minutes.

I was told by many this car it nothing like a 360 but I never fully believed them until I got behind the wheel. From the feeling of the seats to the power, to the laser guided feel of the steering, it is the total package. Wish the water would stop falling from the sky so I can play again.