Crash said:
VKSF said:
Crash said:
VKSF said:
Crash said:
Moogle said:
Valentine 1 for the arrows

remember though, a radar detector is more or less a very expensive passive radio.

still no substitute for a sharp eye and being alert and aware of situations.

Definitely. Using a rabbit for cover is also a good idea. However, it will prove very much worth its cost after only a few months.

It's a sad state of affairs when someone from EU feels need for any radar detector....

Esp if Germans find need for silly radar detectors, EU sounds rather underwhelming as a place for allegedly routine high-speed driving....

That's why I love going to Germany. As soon as I cross over the German border from Austria - I see a 35 mph speed limit sign . But seriously, soon after that, the limit goes away and you're free to go as fast as you'd like.
The rest of Europe is very uptight, with mediocre drivers who, while better than their american counterparts, aren't exactly overwhelmingly impressive. What Europe needs is a no-speed-limit policy on all highways and educated drivers who know how to drive dynamically and effectively. Until then, my Valentine and Lidatek will assist my cause .

Totally agree.

EU, ex-Germany, sounds like driving in Eastern US to me .

BTW do points/speeding violation demerits on one's driver's license transfer btwn countries in EU, e.g., where if a Germany-licensed driver is caught speeding in Italy/France, does he simply pay ticket...or is he also saddled w/points on license and increased insurance premiums???

I'm sure the shrewd arbitrage-minded guys have thought through how to "optimize" their exposure to bureaucratic inefficiencies by choosing a driver's license from a "strategically useful" nation ....and have generously donated to their relevant law enfcmt charities ....in addition to "knowing" their roads and having radar detectors...

Points don't YET transfer between EU countries, but a law is in the making right now that will take care of that . Looking for US citizenship, will do driving school, landscaping and dishwashing, just give me a license they can't put points on .

Crash, simple solution: just get a UK driver's license....gotta capitalize on the Brits' often "aloof" view of The Continent and EU nonsense...

Sure, a US driver's license is much easier to obtain...but disabuse yourself of silly notions of needing citizenship/driver's school, etc etc....only problem is you'd run risk of EU authorities throwing you in jail after any speeding violation w/such a lame license...