I don't get it. Is there something in the article that puts down the turbo? Because according to the numbers the manual turbo out performed the Vette which already has the reputation of being a MONSTER. And that's not even the reason for buying a car like the turbo over the Vette but it beats the car anyway. And the turbo is neck n neck w/ the Ferrari, a car costing 40% more. And all of this doesn't even consider all the other advantages of the turbo like all weather performance potential and THE only car in the test with rear seats. Plus the fact that the turbo is without a doubt the most comfortable car for everyday use. A car that you could just as easily sit in for hours of bumper to bumper traffic on the way to the track. The turbo's performance & versatility is pretty amazing when you compare the car vs. the others in the test w/ an open mind.