Damian said:
Silver Bullet said:
I don't believe this is a real issue.

I suspect someone's trying to stir a pot.

Thom, I recall reading some of your prior posts going back some time and I'm not accusing you of trolling or anything like that....is this a dealer technician at a high-volume dealer that you have first-hand info from? How many replacement engines are we talking about relative to overall sales? I would be happy to personally take on the task of aggregating any and all information on 997/987 engine replacements. Step up, post here or PM me anyone with specific information. As a hopelessly addicted 997 owner I want to know about this stuff in intimate detail!!!

Damien, I sent you my cell number, feel free to call.

My motivation for starting this post is certainly not to start rumor or "stir the pot." I simply want to ascertain whether or not engine failure is widespread. Frankly, it would seem that it is not, based on responses to this post. You make the point that maybe only 500 Porsche owners visit forums, but they are all knowledgeable enthusiasts who know what's going on--that's why I came here for an answer to this.

I did not give detail about who warned me of this because I doubt he would want me to, but I will try to speak with him in the next couple of days and report back.

I got the very first 997 delivered by Silver Star Motors on Long Island (not where I heard this); I've got 20,000 miles on this car and love it. I'm just trying to determine whether or not I can keep this car beyond it's warranty. One thing I like about Porsches is that they are supposed to be bulletproof--I will be very disappointed to find that that is not true.