JimFlat6 said:
MKW said:
Here in the land of unbridled rights and " freedom " , you get a drivers license if you can make a three-point turnaround wothout knocking over a lampost.

@MKW Your premise has one error. You assume that hazardous drivers have drivers licenses!

A friend of mine is a county sheriff. One evening I did a ride along with him. Of 7 traffic stops we made - and Nick will love this - we had no real probable cause for any of them, just a hunch based on drivers looks or the car.

All of the 7 were driving with suspended licenses and three were above the legal limit for intoxication.

So much for drivers licenses as a garuntee of anything.

Jim, quite pleased to hear that law enforcement still practices profiling and judgement in making traffic stops....

Have several colleagues who routinely drive briskly in 450hp++ cars w/no front plates and no radar detectors....yet have no tickets/accids ...and when they've chatted w/an officer (often at a light, etc) it's a cordial discussion about their latest car...gotta love SF region, where many CHP, and even SFPD, are car guys who know latest models and want to hear exhaust note