An interior similar to the Audi TT?
That is actually good news as IMHO the Audi TT has one of the best interior ever made. Very good quality, very good finish and nice simple design.
Hey RC, how come you have seen the 997?
I respect the secrecy you have probably sworn to you will notice, I'm not asking for any pics, which I think you were probably forbidden to take anyway.
Just curious that's all.
Historically, evolution of the 911 has alway been quite smooth, except for 964 to 993.
Can we expect a change that big this time as well?
I don't take in account the 993/996 change as this was a revolution and not an evolution IMO (as in, completely new model).
With the air cooled 911s, the thing that has probably less evolved is the interior. 993 interior is almost identical to that of the 1963 911
The 997 interior will be nicer than the 996 I don't doubt that, but will the 996 interior look outdated?