F1reblade said:
taffy said:
Your reactions are quicker than PSM ........sorry give me a second whilst i pick myself up from the floor...this argument has become farcical...psm is there for a reason and to think you are a superior enough being not to need it will eventually cause yours or someone elses demise.......i hope i am nowhere near you when this happens.....

You wont be. I do not think it, I know it now. You sadly need to be more open minded and not judge others by your own limiting beliefs.

That's put my mind at rest the last thing the Porsche marque needs are drivers with egos bigger than their abilities.....

And before you berate my abilities i know my limits having raced and rallied motor vehicles in the past...consequently i drive well within the limits of myself and my cars so ensuring i and other road users around me stay safe..

Can you honestly say the same ....not if you drive with the security devices switched off on the queens highway.....

Good luck ...sometime soon you will need it.....