JimFlat6 said:
fritz said:
vinnie said:
Austin Martin right now are making the best looking cars,
all have such gorgeous and beautiful lines.

Yeh, they really have moved on from their British Leyland days.

Fritz,Aston Martin was never owned by British Leyland.

For that transgression your sentence is to circumnavigate Germany in a Austin Allegro. See you next year!

Jim, Jim, I know that Aston Martin was never owned by British Leyland.
But Austin was, and if you check Vinnie's original post you'll understand what I was getting at. To give you a clue, I had even highlighted something in red in my first post.

If I were a vindictive person, I would now sentence you to a coast-to-coast trip in a Pinto for not paying attention in class, which would mean you would never come back.