In the current environment it is not surprising that very little transactions will actually take place.

Check your portfolios, most assets are down so people will not necessarily be willing to lift the offers on the cars advertised. So yes market will soften, but only if sellers are in need to sell. Not sure if this can be described as a bubble bursting. Many assets will go down (991 RS) , rare ones won't (RS4.0). And btw I am not biased as I am lucky enough to own both. Have you tried buying property in Switzerland (say Geneva) just after the GFC? Prices kept going up. When interest rates are negative and banks start charging you, you need to store your wealth somewhere and in my view unique limited editions cars are a nice place to be.

RS 4.0 are mostly held by people who are not likely to be forced seller. And therefore, prices as displayed by sellers can remain high despite a softening in demand. If sellers reduce their price as they need to sell the car, then this should be seen as an opportunity imho.

This being said, a poor environment like this one is a good opportunity to get an allocation as there will be less buyers around. This is how I got my RS4.0 back in 2011.