

I'm trying to find out whether or when Ferrari will release a handling package to stiffen up the F12's ride and you plan to sell RS because of its harsh ride one of the reasons why I miss my GT2 a lot.

The tdf will be stiffer and you won't feel much of a difference when you press the bumpy road button, so you're in for another big surprise if harshness is not what you want.

Then you have Corsa tires that aren't your best choice on a wet & rainy day and knowing the F12 and how it likes to spin the rears, this won't be a friendly car if you think you can manage it on a trip with a passenger in a bad weather angry

Good luck on whatever you end up buying!

+ 1 . I can well imagine the TDF will be very difficult as a car to do long trips . hard, noisy and inappropriate tires linked with huge power .

Peter, in the RS you could of chosen the normal sports seats 

re seats: you are right, it was a mistake. i should have chosen the sport seats but was guided by the great looks of the carbon buckets and - i must admit - by residuals. we both sat in them for 20min or so a year ago but obviously this does not allow good judgement. anyway, now it is too late. today i rethought the whole issue though… maybe a cushion can sort the back pain issue. i really like the RS and want to give it a try at least.

re TdF: i have driven one two weeks ago and did not find it very harsh in the soft mode setting. a bit harsher than the speciale but less than the GT3RS. but all this is subjective. 

if ferrari gives me a TdF i will not be able to say no.
