
I think we should not be too harsh to McLaren for their designs. It is not easy for a company without a heritage in road cars and no previous reference points to come up with a successful styling identity and design language after just 4-5 years.

The British in general don't have a heritage in mid-engined sportscars. The Italians can draw from their exquisite designs of the 60s and 70s and the Germans apply the no-frills concept of the early motorsport Porsches even to their most expensive car the 918.

Their 12C was a very generic and lacked any individuality. With their subsequent cars McLaren are trying to convey through their styling the message that they are avant garde, high-tech and state-of-the-art, Some people like these designs and buy their cars whilst others view the McLaren road cars as borderline cartoonish with kit car styling elements. You cannot please them all.

Personally, I respect McLaren for trying very hard to bring something new to the world of high performance automobiles.

Agreed 100%