RC, you are a very good ambassador for the USA. You deserve your next holiday to be free smileywink

We don't forget the role of the USA during WW2 and the USSR period. However, in exchange of that contribution they appear to demand the submission of the whole world to their own ideologies, policies and strategic goals.

There isn't an activity in the world from financial institutions to their idea of security to mundane things like prostitution and now to diesel cars that they don't put their finger. Are they the world police? Are the rest of the world incapable? These interventions p*ss people off everywhere even in countries that are formally allied to the USA. USA is looked at with suspicion in the whole world, north, south, east and west in small countries and in large countries.

Russia? They are not trustworthy but I'd like them to grow in international stature as a balance towards US arrogance and domination.

When I talk of USA I refer to the authorities. Ordinary people are very nice but they are so politically introverted they don't know/care to know what is happening beyond their County.





"Form follows function"