
All it is proof of is that McDonald's has made a calculated business decision that they will make more money selling dangerously hot coffee and injuring some number of people a year than if they sell it at a safe, and more appropriate temperature. The only failure of the tort system here is that it is failing to dissuade them from knowingly causing injuries to people, because damage awards have not been high enough to exceed their calculated profits that result.

The SCAA are idiots. Coffee held for any length of time after brewing above 165°F suffers serious and rapid flavor degradation.


Dude, if you brew your own coffee at home, then you spilled it and hurt yourself, who do you sue? Yourself? The coffee maker's company? Or the company that makes the glass? Or your wife cause she didn't warn you about the hot coffee?

Common sense man, common sense. Which these stupid lawsuits has zero. A normal sane judge anywhere in the world would have thrown out these hot coffee lawsuits before even reach his desk, then would give a lecture to the lawyers involved about ethnics. 

x2 comon sense, the least comon of all the senses... 

Its all about abusing the spirit in which the law was written in order to get money (including the layers) you don't deserve, nothing more, nothing less. Legal? yes, inmoral and unethical? twice yes.


⇒ Carlos - Porsche 991 Carrera GTS