
The problem with the newer Porsches is that many dynamic features which make a difference, like PDCC, PTV, PSE, Powerkit and from the next generation AWSteering are super expensive optional extras. This is unacceptable on an iconic sportscar that should perform at 100% out of the box. And I am sure these extras don't really cost a lot to Porsche. It is just an unscrupulous exercise in profit maximization. 

It's hard to argue in a free market economy that profit maximisation is unscrupulous, unless product manufacturers or suppliers have formed an illegal cartel artificially maintain prices at a high level.  Smiley

It should be up to the competitors in a market to keep each other "honest" by offering equally good or better products at lower prices. Companies like Apple and Porsche only get away with their pricing policies if the market is prepared to acknowledge that their products still offer acceptable value for money in comparison with the others on offer.

Whenever attempts have been made to regulate prices to protect consumers, it has generally resulted in a lack of supply or poor choice of goods, or even in black markets which only benefit the illegal profiteers.  

