The basic lesson Porsche must learn from the PTS fiasco is that they have been overwhelmed by customer demand due to the fact that they offered such a poor choice of basic colours in the first place. They seem to be completely out of touch with what their GT customers want in terms of colour and trim. The standard offerings are so poor that a huge number of people have opted for PTS which has simply swamped the paintshop capacity in the allotted production run time it would appear.

From what I've read elsewhere it seems Porsche still hide behind a 3 month lead time for paint from their supplier which is just laughable as any colour can be batch mixed these days on demand.

IMHO they really need to re-evaluate the whole paint and trim aspect of their production to meet their customers requirements better. Why is it still such a hassle in 2015 to order contrast stitching for instance?? Ferrari sorted this out years ago. Make it one code for a complete interior or design the interiors in such a way that it is possible to provide contrast stitching more easily in stitching packages that allow contrasts to be made on the seats only or dash top and door tops etc. This is an easy profit margin area to promote. I read Eduardo's factory visit report on another forum where he said senior Porsche executives wonder why he spends so much time and effort explaining the options Porsche Exclusive can offer. I had to laugh at that as they were completely oblivious to the fact that this is an area so poorly understood within the dealer network and so easy to screw up when ordering that most dealers simply do not bother to explain or promote it hence why people like Eduardo step in to fill the breach for customers intent on personalising their car to exactly how they want it.  Porsche make this a difficult and often frustrating process when it should be a fun journey that really makes the whole purchase special.