I have yet to read a more near sighted and ignorant sweeping generalisation of bike riders mail... spend some time with bikers of all types and then, maybe then, you will have a more knowledgeable opinion on the matter.

I have heard the same exact comments from minvan or stationwagon drivers about sportcar drivers 

Most bike riders are normal people who enjoy the most fun and exhilirating vehicles on the road, sportcars don't even compare to riding a sportbike for example, they don't have a death wish, they don't want to brag about anything, they don't want attention, etc in fact that mayority goes largely un-noticed by other drivers but a few morons (that are just as moronic when they get behind a car's wheel) do get a lot of attention because of their behaviour and therefore largely define the image for all riders.

Ironically the worst riders here are scooter rivers, which can't be called a motorcyle IMO, because usually they are bought by riders who don't care about bikes and are only interested in it as a method of transport and therefore do not care about driving properly, wearing proper gear, etc.

Not wearing a helmet on a motorcycle? thats Darwin's Law IMO, that may be cold but that's the truth. In fact you should not only wear a helmet, but also proper jacket and shoes, at least.

Also I never mess with a bike when driving a car, and always give itb plenty of space, much more than I give another car for example. You never know when there is a moron riding it and the dinamics of bikes on the road are very different than cars and do not mix well together at higher speeds of sportyr driving.
