Maybe this isn't the right thread to post this in but I just saw a 991 Turbo Cab, a 991 Targa and a 991 Cab one next to each other (should have taken a photo...bummer) and the most beautiful car was the...991 Turbo Cab. Didn't know how good the Turbo Cab looks until I actually saw it, it may be related to the wider rear and the "higher" roof line. yes

I love the way the Turbos look too - cab and coupe!! With the top down, the Turbo Cab is by far my favorite. With the top "up", I like the Turbo coupe the best.

My struggle had been that I love the ability to have the "top down" ride on a nice day, but I just haven't been a big fan of very many convertibles when they have the top up (for many reasons, but mostly because they just don't look great to me). The Targa for me is a nice compromise (since my wife wouldn't let me have both a cab and coupe for some reason, which was the better compromise in my opinion).