
Wasn't aware they are hand built. That certainly will slow things down.

The 991 GT3 a part hand built on the normal 991 engine assembly line. The days of "one man one engine" are something of the past...

The engine runs on the line through the different work stations - the line from start to the finish is about 200m long. At the end every engine ist tested.

Last tuesday on the factory tour I have seen about about 150  991 engines with the silver oil cooler in a corner of the engine building - I don´t know, if these were new spec or the old version.

But as I wrote last week - the GT3 engine is again on the production line...

The 918 engine is a different story - here: one man - one engine. Out of my memory of the factory-tour last week, they told us, that it takes about 20 hours to built one 918 engine.
