
Nick, I often agree with your opinions--but to compare a Honda CRV to a Macan is, as you and I as attorneys would put it, "begging the question".  The differences between the two cars is far more than badge of mystique.  No need for me to elaborate the obvious...

I still don't understand how Nick could actually buy a Honda CRV (seriously???) but I guess he has a different approach to cars than many of us. Smiley I would never ever drive a Honda CRV, I would rather walk or ride a bicycle but I guess this is me. Not that Nick didn't know before that I would say this.

For me, a car is not a tool to get from A to B. For me, a car is something I need to enjoy, to feel good in, to savor every moment, no matter if it is a daily driver or just a weekend fun car. I regret getting the Smart for my business and I'm kind of bored with all the Mini models we had so far but I would never ever get a Honda CRV. Never. Smiley

Usually, I agree with you when it is about sportscars... But, apparently not when it is about SUVs.

Tell, me for example what can Macan Turbo better then Audi SQ5 TDI for example in my case when car will be used:

-75% of time in city driving, longest drive about 10km in heavy city traffic from Monday to Friday. Fuel consumption here is much better on diesel then on petrol engine.

-25% of time on local autobahns which are restricted to 130km/h and local Police do not like overspeeding at all. Porsche, even Macan also attracts a lot of attention while Audi blends nicelly with the crowd...

And my need to bigger trunk is a welcome thing(SQ5 TDI a better choice for sure).

Where would Macan Turbo fit here? Specially, if sportscar role is played by 991 Turbo or Turbo S?

In my subjective view buying Macan Turbo(or any Macan) makes only sense if you will drive it mostly on the autobahn or if it is your only car.

Yes, there is a third reason-potential buyer is die hard Porsche fan. And forth one-potential buyer wants to sow how fluent he/she is and show it to the public.



I have to agree with that.. After driving the SQ5 for more than a year now and having reached 85000km in it, I don't see the point of a 400hp gas guzzling SUV either. I've done numerous trips from Switzerland to Belgium and vice versa, always via Germany and the SQ5 does a cruise speed of 200km/h effordless. Faster is almost impossible most of the time and even 200 km/h for longer distances is only possible at night. I was always able to drive the whole distance (850km) without refueling, even at those speeds and in normal daily traffic I get about  6-7L/100km which is impossible with a Macan Turbo and yet it can drive equally as fast (and probably also feels as fast) on public roads than a Macan Turbo, simply because it is impossible and irrisponsible (dangerous) to drive faster. The looks of the car is of course a matter of taste. i like how the (S)Q5 looks and blends in with the "regular traffic", but other people may find that boring.... ;)

Even in a sportscar I don't see the point of driving over 250km/h that much to be honest. Unless you're able to drive almost every day on an almost empty, unrestricted part of the Autobahn, it's pointless to be able to drive that fast, unless you are gonna track the car on tracks with long straights or on a dragstrip. Acceleration gives a lot more fun IMO, untill a certain point. For me the most important factor a car and especially an sportscar needs to offer, is how it feels to be driven. Does the car make you feel special?, does the car handle like a dream?, can it put a smile on your face?....  All this can depend on so many things and not only on raw speed. At least, that's how I feel about it.... May be different for other people...

