
Who said that I want to drive something exclusive?? 

I can personalize the car in a way it gets exclusive. But for me the only important thing is that a car needs to make me feel good. That has nothing to do with price or exclusivity. I don't mind that there are a lot of porsches on the road. I actually like that fact. If I wanted something very exclusive, I wouldn't buy a Porsche... Neither a Ferrari.

I see equally as much Ferraris as  i see Porsche 911s BTW. They are not that exclusive here in Switzerland.


Suzy we can see..we all have different priorities..a car needs to make you feel good..I have the same interest..but Im becoming very picky when it comes to spending 200k on a sports car - then for me exclusivity also matters. If every bloke was driving such a car - I wouldnt wanna have it eitherSmiley

I am also sometimes in CH..and havent seen an equality between Ferrari and Porsche. Anyway, I hope youre happy with your choice and thats already something..SmileySmiley

Hahaha i haven't made my choice yet ;)

One benefit I have over male petrolheads is that I don't see much females drive cars like that. So the exclusivity is getting better as long as I'm behind the wheel LOLSmiley

Oh and i become also very picky when spending 200k. But for me that is more about small details like stitching and colors and whatever I can find to whine about Smiley... I know what you are thinking now... Women!!Smiley

