
There is only me and one other 918 buyer, neither of us ordered a GT3. The 5 is really their allocation. The other 918 buyer bought the Turbo S 918 Edition though. My friend who is #5 on the list is getting a December 2013 build date FYI.

I asked the allocation question today, he thought I wanted one and told me I 'might' get a Dec allocation the earliest if I wanted one and use my VIP status. I kinda of decode that wording meaning he is getting 5 build allocations for sure before the end of the year. 

Your dealer must have a lot of influence with Porsche. My dealer (a Premiere large dealer) is getting one build in November, one in December, two for the first quarter, two for the second quarter of 2014 and only three more for the entire year. A total of nine cars. How a dealer in Canada can get 5 this year is beyond my comprehension. The system is rigged.Smiley

Nick, call up Newport Auto Center and see if you can get a better position.


2005 997S Blk/Blk