Moreover, since Porsche is so expert at extracting the very maximum amount of money out of their sports car buyers, (which is reflected by Porsche's huge profitability) then surely this means that Porsche, more than any other manufacturer, is in the best position to enter F1 and cope with the costs.

It just doesn't look good when other car manufacturers are winning all the laurels. A sports car manufacturer must maintain a racing pedigree.

It just looks like Porsche is running scared of Ferrari in their home turf when I am sure Porsche can really deliver in F1.

If Audi and Bentley can set their minds to winning Le Mans and then do it (just to prove they can), then why can't a thoroughbred car manufacturer like Porsche show their mettle in the crucible of F1?

Come on Porsche, show everyone what you are made of.