
+1 We love our manuals here on the continent, 99% of the drivers know how to use a stick shift.

But now loads of  the young crowd are fascinated by PDK  . They want now their GTI, S3, Cupra etc... to have DSG.

I don't know how many times, when someone asks me if my car has PDK, and I answer yes, their eyes light up in excitement   ( and mine in sadness when I see that is what makes them so excited Smiley )   and they tell me how fantastic it must be to just flip those paddles like in a F1 car .

For the ' non sports car freaks ' and younger people  , PDK is so ' cool ' ......Smiley

I think for general public , a manual is outdated. There parents drove that, their gran mother drove that, they have seen that for the last 50 years, and now there is something that is closer to what they are used to ( video games ? Instant gratification ? Technology ? )


 997.2 C2S, PDK, -20mm