Thx! Weather bad but pics soon. Regarding power I did investigate whether the 991 base engine is an ECU tweak or more. From what I've seen its not just a case of a new ECU as the 991 seems to breath better. I didn't search the site here thoroughly but it seems that the heads may be different so 315-350 isn't so straightforward and I guess Porsche wants it that way. Anyway in any case as long as you use the revs it goes down the road quite well and quite enough for public roads apart from perhaps Autobahnen.

Regarding PSE I think its a case of what you like. The standard pipe isn't bad in any case and might be enough but PSE adds loudness, pops and cracks on the overrun and sometimes sounds like you have a loose baffle in the exhaust as you slow down! I like it but I'm also a biker so I'm used to loud rattly things. At low revs and with light throttle it's quite acceptable in town when switched on even in Germany so if you like character in your sports car I'd recommend it. Compared to the PSE I had on my 996 and both 997's it's quite different in noise and character so if I were you I'd try to find a car and have a go first. 

Regarding the droning it's worth remembering that the engine and intake system is just behind your head you so it can be a bit boomy at low revs but not unacceptably so in my view. The tyre noise intrusion is much, much better than previous cars so even with a vocal engine you can have phone conversations at higher speeds than before. (Where are you you said you'd be back half an hour ago!)

The other concern I had about the manual car was whether you can heel and toe in the 981/991 reasonably well as the pedals seem pretty far apart and the throttle is set quite a long way below the brake. However, it seems fine when you are getting a move on and not just touching the brake. At low speed it's a bit more tricky but still doable so I probably won't need that set of alu screw on pedals after all.